Sunday, February 04, 2007

Planning ahead

We're home again after another fun-filled H family funeral. The dead stayed dead and the living had a grand old time.

There was a photographer (as always at these gatherings) who attempted to get candid shots of the mourning family while they snacked after the service. And speaking of snacks!! There were copious amounts of great goodies and amazing sandwiches which made the whole trip in the frigid weather bearable.

Afterwards, a bunch of us were sitting around being flippant about death and funerals. Maryanne joked that when she helps plan my funeral, there will be a large flower arrangement in the shape of an anchor that is leaned jauntily against my casket. I think this would work best if everyone (myself included) was dressed in sailor costume, but again I will leave that for someone else to decide.

1 comment:

  1. You have left that for me to decide. Because doesn't everyone's second cousin plan their funeral? I'm pretty sure that LynnieC will be with me in notifying everyone to come in sailor garb. I should start pricing out those anchors.

    ...Not that I plan on buying one soon.

    And that would be your uncle taking photos of us mourners as if it was a wedding. Nicole and I ended up constantly pretending to go get more tea, to get away from that.


Crap monkies say "what?"