Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm one wild and crazy gal

You have to say that in Steve Martin's voice or it totally ruins what I am going for.

Last night, I got home from work. Lyn was going out so I knew I had the whole evening to myself. I went on a long relaxing walk with the dogs, came home, read a book for a bit and then climbed into bed. At 10:15.

It's now 10:22, so at least I don't have to feel like as big a loser.

You know, I hear some people have lives and stuff.


  1. Don't feel too bad. Staying home from time to time allows you to get things done. What those things might be I have no idea, but it's always a good excuse.

  2. Last night was Saturday night? Chris washed dishes while I tried to read as much of a school book as possible. Then he tried to teach himself some more of Microsoft Excel, but I was already falling asleep on the couch by 10:30.

    Apparently, we're as wild and crazy as you are. Woo!


Crap monkies say "what?"