Friday, December 07, 2007

The winds of our discontent

My screen door doesn't latch properly. I am not sure where the problem lies. It just doesn't quite hold. Any movement in air pressure flings it from it's resting place and throws it back against the house. It slams perfectly back into place when you open the door to fix it, so there is no way to prove what you know is happening.

It is swinging and banging right now. I can tell the wind changes from how fast or loud the door swings. Right now it is not too bad. Once every ten minutes or so. I should go and get it, fasten again for the umpteenth time tonight, but I am lazy so I just listen to it and wonder if it annoys the neighbours as much as it does me.

This winter stuff sucks the energy out of me like a vampire.

1 comment:

  1. "wonder if it annoys the neighbours as much as it does me"

    Haven't heard it.


Crap monkies say "what?"