Friday, April 07, 2006

Off on an excursion

I am off to Calgary to see a few friends and to pick up my sisters on the plane at 10pm. The sibling group are gathering this weekend. Ky is bringing "Wit". Seems like a perfect two year anniversary of your Mom's death kind of movie. We may even watch Step-Mom. Sorry, I think that's only funny to us. Too soon?


  1. You should all come to Edmonton. We are having a HUGE fire tomorrow night.

  2. It's never too soon for dead mom jokes. Unless someone else's mother just died. Learned that one the hard way.
    And don't worry Ky, your flight will get there at 9:30. I just think Bron didn't want to be specific about it.

  3. By "someone else's mother" do you mean that I'm not allowed to make dead mom jokes anymore?

    On another note, I told my Canadian history class about the game "Kill the Russians" today. But it was in the context of cultural history, and reading a bunch of stuff about summer camps that used Native names, and kids playing Cowboys and Indians and all that. And, while we were all confessing less-than-culturally-sensitive games that we played as children, someone claimed that these are just the kinds of games that kids make up. And so I posited that these games are still a result of our culture, and I gave "Kill the Russians," at the end of the Cold War, as an example.

    My class loved it.

  4. Wait, who's sisters? Org charts please. I sometimes feel like I'm an interloper on your guys' blogs. Not only am I a guy, but American too - gasp!

  5. May-B, Ky and Lynniec are sisters. Whenever Mel comments, she's their sister-in-law. They also have a brudder, married to Mel, and living in Red Deer.

    Janny and I are sisters, and we're cousins with M-B, K and L, but we (especially I) essentially grew up at their house, and they at mine.

    Justanothergirl and Kay-B both have been neighbours, and are essentially family members.

    Jen's a distant cousin as well.

    Our extended family also puts the "fun" in "funeral."

  6. Jen is also the only one not origanally from Saskatchewan. I am from Alberta. (Horrors!) ;)

  7. Alberta = Canada's Texas.

    Saskatchewan = Socialist Paradise.

    I live in British Columbia now. British Columbia = Hippies. And expensive, with lots of rich people. And recognising familiar places on TV and in movies.

  8. And hey, I hope you guys are having a good weekend!

  9. Maryanne, you are hilarious. Could you have a longer conversation with someone ELSE on my blog? I mean really. I'll just stop posting and you and Roger can carry the whole thing. Work for you?

  10. Oh for crying out loud, that's not what I mean. It's just that you answer all the questions as though they were intended for you just because you know the answer. Its fine. Just amusing.

  11. But Mary, you can make fun of our dead mom all you want.
    I heart you much much.
    Roger - I'm sorry we confuse you.

  12. Well, you guys were all busy this weekend, and I've been procrastinating. And I was like, "Oh look! A question where I know the answer!"

  13. If you want us to run this thing, we need the password and stuff.

  14. Roger, you are a smart ass. And if you can guess the password, you're welcome to it!


Crap monkies say "what?"