Wednesday, August 30, 2006

You have to read this

I was sent an email including this guy's post on bathroom etiquette. So, I wandered around it and found myself laughing out loud at numerous things he said. So, go read it.

While you're at it, people are not visiting Roger's blog enough. And, as Lyn pointed out, "He's way funnier than you are, people should read him more often." I am complaining that he just doesn't update his funnies enough, but he says it's because he has a life. Bugger.


  1. Thanks, random stranger, for the compliments & the link!

  2. Is Rick Astley really that much of a cry for help? Silly goose! Thanks for the link though. Tell Lyn she should be nicer to you (and that she's really cool, maybe say that under your breath). Also, I promise to update more, proportionate to the decrease in temperature. Jacket season is upon us (well, not me, but some of us).

  3. Rick Astley is ALWAYS a cry for help.

  4. Oh, by the by, I'm totally tempted to make Lyn's comment my little sub-header dealie. It's like the best endorsement ever!

  5. Roger, I like your sub-header dealie so much though. I actually showed my friend from work your blog so that she could read the sub-header. Mostly because she was a little confused as to why I had a picture of Rick Astley up on my computer.

  6. Roger: Don't you dare! I can't have someone else blog reading "Funnier than Bronwyn..." It's just not right!!

  7. Roger: Don't you dare! I can't have someone else blog reading "Funnier than Bronwyn..." It's just not right!!

  8. Since you were so emphatic, I will not.


Crap monkies say "what?"