Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Old headers

While I was cleaning up my archives, I found these two headers I had up about two years ago. One for Halloween (obviously) and one for fun. I thought I would put them here just for memory sake. They still amuse me. Especially considering how long it took me to perfect them!!


  1. I remember these! I loved them both, but then I also love your current one. Who could resist that cute puppy face?? :-)

  2. Haha... I remember those. Nothin' like unearthing old stuff. That's great.

  3. Dang. I was really hoping you were going to unearth that yucky man in the speedo in Cuba.

  4. I wish I knew how to do stuff like that. I was trying to change a font on my blog yesterday but instead changed every other font and now I can't change it back. I wouldn't even know where to start to make my own header.

  5. which one was for halloween?


Crap monkies say "what?"