Monday, July 17, 2006

New picture

Well, I don't look like this either, but I definitely like her better. I wish I could draw on these paint programs, but I still can't figure it out. My arm is shaking now from using the dame mouse. I think I should just hire someone to do it for me!!!


  1. i like the hair, but the glasses are totally wigging me out.

  2. You can buy a device that will allow you to. It looks like a pen with a mousepad.

    Sweet picture- I can't even draw that well with a pencil.

  3. Is it the glasses? Cause something is definitely not right.

  4. You're right. She's scary. I'm working on it. I'll get it right sooner or later.

  5. You have a Dame mouse..that's so weird because I have a Sir Mouse...


Crap monkies say "what?"